The Care Circle
Connecting Those That Care
ReMe places the person with dementia central to the shared life of a group of people who care and are involved in the care process. ReMe offers a simple way to inform and engage relevant people about the care of the central individual.
The system provides an easy means to both share and request information as new discoveries are made. It keeps the task of updates manageable and rewarding for care staff and family alike.
Access to a person’s Profile is granted only through invitation. The person, formal carers and/or the family always maintain control, with the right to remove individual carer access.
The Care Circle
The system is designed specifically to support the following:
Need for Inclusion — to feel part of a group is essential. If not met a person is likely to decline and retreat until life is lived almost entirely within a bubble of isolation.
Need for Attachment — without the reassurance of social bonds it’s difficult for any person to function well. Life is overshadowed by new uncertainties and anxieties.
Need for Comfort — the failing of abilities or the ending of long established habits make the need for comfort especially great. The security that comes from being close and engaged with another is increasingly important.
Holding — the provision of a safe psychological space, where areas of vulnerability can be exposed without fear.
Descriptions of interactions and needs are derived from Tom Kitwood’s 1997 book Dementia Reconsidered: The Person Comes First)
Sharing Content to Improve Care
Carers can choose people from within the trusted group to engage with. Notes can be added and shared by all users to highlight discoveries and important information that the intervention has helped identify.
If the person cared for moves either temporarily or permanently to a new care environment, access to ReMe knowledge is easily made available to that facility.
ReMe is a portable care system that stays with the person being cared for.

Using RemindMecare’s ROOMS video chat tool makes family communications easy.
Its schedulable, tracked and captured in reports.
Planning communication with family and friends becomes simple.
And unlike most other video systems we know of, ROOMS does not capture data and sell it for commercial exploitation, so is fully GDPR compliant and free.
The calendar in ReMe is multi-functional.
Whether used by the primary carer and family to schedule activities and/or by a care home to plan their activity schedule, the result is a means to plan and a mechanism to engage for all those involved in the care process.